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ULC's Fire and Security Alarm System certificate programs provide Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), Insurance Companies, and Municipalities/Government with a convenient, reliable way to identify code complying Fire Alarms and Security Systems. These programs take the widely recognized ULC mark and place it on an installed system in the form of a certificate. A variety of AHJs, government bodies and insurers around Canada have found these programs to be a great benefit when assessing risk and determining ongoing code compliance.

ULC lists alarm companies to determine compliance with ULC standards and Nationally recognized codes. Once a company goes through this evaluation process they are then capable of issuing certificates within their listing category. These certificates are generally issued when mandated by a requesting body to ensure compliance to National Standards. This site includes the documents needed to prepare for inspection and the forms needed to request certificates. ULC certificates can only be issued by ULC listed companies.


ULC Fire and Security Alarm System Certificate Programs include:


Burglar alarm monitoring covers commercial, financial and residential properties.
Installation, monitoring, and service of burglar alarm monitoring systems are outlined in ULC Standards CAN/ULC-S301-09, Signal Receiving Centre Burglar Alarm Systems and Operations, and CAN/ULC-S302-M91, Installation and Classification of Burglar Alarm Systems for Financial and Commercial Premises, Safes and Vaults.
Includes premise transmitter, communication method and signal receiving centre equipment installation and operation.


Protective signaling systems cover fire alarm system and sprinkler system monitoring.
Installation, monitoring, and service of fire alarm monitoring systems, and sprinkler monitoring systems are outlined in ULC Standard CAN/ULC-S561-13, Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems.
Includes premise transmitter, communication method, and signal receiving centre equipment. Equipment meets the requirements of CAN/ULC-S559-04,
Equipment for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems.


Inspection and testing of building fire alarm systems are outlined in ULC Standard CAN/ULC-S536-13, Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems.
Includes control unit, annunciators, initiating devices, audible and visual signals.
Once initial records are in place, the company must follow ULC Standard CAN/ULC- S536-13 for subsequent inspection and testing of the system.
Company's responsibility is to identify and document any deficiencies and/or changes made to the system through the inspection process.


Alarm response (Guard) service may be used in lieu of police in conjunction with the Burglar Alarm Certificate Program.
Requirements are outlined in ULC Standard CAN/ULC-S301-09, Signal Receiving Centre Burglar Alarm Systems and Operations.
Provides certificated response on burglar alarm systems.


Station automation software (SAS) is used by signal receiving centres to process signal activity from burglar alarm systems and protective signalling systems.
The station automation software operation and record keeping meets the requirements as outlined in ULC Standard CAN/ULC-S301-09, Signal Receiving Centre Burglar Alarm Systems and Operations.
Certificates are issued by the station automation software publisher to identify copies of the SAS package which are ULC listed.


Alarm installing and monitoring companies must be ULC Listed and companies are subject to annual inspections.
Care contracts for monitoring and/or service must be in place with the occupant.
Service records must be maintained and records will be audited by ULC.
In the Burglar Alarm and Protective Signalling Systems Programs, certificates can be issued as Full Service with one company for service and monitoring or Shared Service with separate service and monitoring companies, depending on the alarm companies ULC listing


ULC Certificate Services programs are utilized by AHJs, government bodies and the insurance industry to verify appropriate levels of protection, performance and on-going maintenance. Key benefits to these groups include:

ULC Certificate indicates that the installation is inspected, tested and maintained by the Listed alarm service company.
Provision that all components of a program are in place and the system is included in the ULC database.
Third party auditing of companies in the program results in a level playing field for all participants and provides a comfort level that ULC is auditing alarm companies.
Knowing that alarm and monitoring companies are being audited assists insurance companies and regulatory authorities in deciding their manpower involvement in conducting their own monitoring and acceptance of companies.
Knowledge that ULC will investigate any issues that may arise with certificates or listed alarm companies, and report to the certificate requiring body.
Once an investigation is completed to assess compliance with applicable program requirements and Canadian National Standards, the alarm company is then ULC listed and authorized to issue ULC certificates to those premises that comply with the requirements for the specific classification of service. Listed clients are published in ULC's Online Directories of Equipment and Materials

Certificated alarm systems are required to be maintained under the care and inspection service of the issuing alarm service company. A ULC Certificate indicates that the installation is inspected, tested and maintained by the Listed alarm service company. While it is important that installing companies be listed, it is even more important to request that an individual system be certificated and subject to ULC's annual inspection process to assure code compliance.

ULC certificate listings include only those alarm systems covered by an active, unexpired certificate. An alarm service company that has been listed by ULC under the service is not obliged to issue certificates on all of its systems. Only systems covered by a certificate can be inspected by ULC in accordance with program requirements.

 Logo of Honeywell Authorized Security Dealer
Logo of Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition
 Image of an alarm system with logo of ULC Certified text


Some commonly asked questions related to fire monitoring are:

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