Home Fire, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Calgary and Lethbridge
Home Fire, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Calgary and Lethbridge
When it comes to home security, ensuring your property is protected against unexpected situations is paramount. Fire is one of the most devastating events that can happen in your house, making it fundamental that you have the necessary equipment to protect your property and your loved ones. At Guardian Security Solutions, we provide you with efficient and reliable home fire, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and monitoring systems that can help you take prompt action during an emergency. Our monitoring systems are ULC certified, meaning they meet the highest standards of efficiency, security and reliability in the market.
ULC certified alarm companies will provide you with the most efficient and reliable fire alarm monitoring systems in the market. Companies with these certifications are required to meet numerous requirements to be on their list of accredited providers. This means improved security for your property as well as safety for you and your family. Additionally, highly efficient smoke detectors and fire monitoring systems may help you get lower premiums from insurance companies, saving you money in the long run.
Most fire alarms are designed to detect smoke when something inside your home starts to burn. They operate 24/7 and sound an alarm as soon as it detects any signs of fire. There are also fire alarms that operate by detecting temperature variations in the environment. These are often called heat sensors, and they are usually used alongside with other fire detecting systems. Many of these devices can be linked to home monitoring systems to notify you, fire fighters and monitoring stations in case of an emergency. This can greatly contribute to the overall security of your property.
It allows prompt action to be taken, saving lives in case of emergencies
It can help reduce property loss
It helps you comply with local regulations when fire alarms may be mandatory.
It brings you peace of mind, knowing that you will be instantly notified if something happens.

Different than fire and smoke alarms, carbon monoxide readers are not necessarily designed to protect your home against fire. These readers are built to detect alarming levels of carbon monoxide, which is a colourless, odourless, yet toxic gas that can be emitted by faulty fuel burning appliances, such as furnaces and fireplaces. To allow you to take prompt action and prevent intoxication, Guardian Security Solutions counts on effective and reliable carbon monoxide readers that will sound if excessive levels are detected. These devices can provide you with enhanced safety and peace of mind.
At Guardian Security Solutions, we follow rigorous ULC standards during the installation process of our fire alarms, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide readers. Our systems are meticulously tested to ensure they can provide you with the protection and peace of mind you need for your home in Calgary or Lethbridge. We only consider our job done once every device installed has been thoroughly inspected by our team. Contact our fire security systems today.
Why Is My Smoke Alarm Beeping Every Minute?It can be very irritating when your smoke alarm is beeping constantly. A smoke alarm chirping is meant to indicate a low battery. A battery-powered smoke alarm will chirp for at least 30 days before completely losing power. However, you’ll probably want to change the battery well before then. Meanwhile, some smoke alarms are powered by AC (alternating current). These alarms will beep incessantly until the battery is changed. A smoke alarm will have approved batteries listed on the back or in the user’s manual. If you change the batteries and it’s still chirping, there may be other causes.
How Often Should I Replace a Smoke Alarm?Smoke alarms don’t last forever. Every smoke alarm has an expiration date, after which it is less effective. In general, you should be replacing your smoke alarms every ten years. If you’re unsure of how much time is left on your smoke alarms, maybe you just moved into a house, there is an easy way to check. Most models will have the manufacturing date printed on the back. The same also applies to carbon monoxide alarms.
I Can’t See Smoke – Why Is My Alarm Still Sounding?If there is no smoke and you’ve changed the batteries and your alarm is still making noise, the problem may be one of the following: The sensor chamber or cover may be dirty or dusty. Your alarm may look clean, but dirt and grime can build up inside the cover, even in newly built homes. You should clean your alarm regularly with a vacuum and a soft brush attachment. Insects may have become lodged in the sensor chamber. You can remove them with a vacuum and a soft brush attachment. You can also be proactive about preventing this problem by spraying insect repellant around the smoke detector.
How Often Should I Replace the Batteries in My Alarms?It is recommended that you replace the batteries in your smoke and CO alarms twice a year. A good rule of thumb is the change the battery whenever you change times – as in, when you move the clocks forward for Daylight Savings Time or backwards for Standard Time.
How Often Should I Test My Smoke and CO Alarms?You should test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms at least once per month. You can do this yourself easily simply by pushing the test buttons on the alarms.