When choosing a company to handle your home or commercial security, it’s important to ensure it provides the best equipment available. That’s why you should choose a company listed with Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC). Here’s more about what ULC does and the four benefits of working with a ULC listed company.
1. You’ll work with a company that meets strict, universal standards
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada is an independent product safety testing, certification and inspection organization. It’s tested products for safety for more than a century and is accredited with the Standards Council of Canada, an arm of the federal government.
ULC focuses on safety standards and quality of service. Once a company is listed with the organization, it must uphold those standards through regular inspections. When a product or company is certified with ULC, you know it has met these rigorous standards of quality and service.
2. You’ll experience fewer false alarms and better response times
ULC says its approved alarm systems typically have a better record than non-ULC certified products and services. False alarms are fewer and response times are generally quicker. Using a ULC listed company leads to overall better customer satisfaction.
3. You may be eligible for reduced insurance premiums
ULC certification indicates a high-quality product and service, and this can reduce an insurance provider’s exposure to risk. Consequently, insurance providers look for the ULC brand when they set their insurance rates, and you may be able to save on insurance premiums if you work with a security company that’s ULC listed.
4. You’ll have peace of mind
When you choose a surveillance and security company that’s listed with ULC, you know you’re getting the best possible protection on the market. In fact, if your security company is ULC certified, it’s guaranteed that the equipment and/or monitoring you purchase meets the highest possible standard.
Guardian Security Solutions is a ULC listed home security and surveillance systems company in Southern Alberta. Our alarm systems, CCTV security camera installations, home security monitoring, fire alarms and commercial access control systems meet or exceed the exacting standards of the ULC. We’ve been working with residential, commercial and industrial clients since 2005, and are proud to be a reputable provider of security system products and services in the area. To schedule an assessment or learn more about how we can help keep your property secure, contact us at our location in Calgary or Lethbridge today.